Declaraciones Oficiales


Liberty and Democracy Group urges Joe Biden to keep Cuba on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism.

Septiembre 14, 2024

September 14, 2024

Your Excellency, Mr. President:

We are writing to you on behalf of the Liberty and Democracy Group, a coalition of former presidents and leaders committed to the defense of democratic values, human rights, and freedom in our hemisphere. This group, with a solid track record in the fight for the preservation of democracies in Latin America, considers it essential to raise its voice at this critical moment for the region.

On this occasion, we wish to express our deep concern over the request to remove Cuba from the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism by the Government of the United States. For decades, the Cuban regime has been a key player in the sponsorship and promotion of insurgent groups and terrorist organizations in Latin America, directly contributing to the political, economic, and social instability of the region. This support has not been sporadic or circumstantial, but part of a structured strategy under the guise of revolutionary solidarity. The effects of these actions have been devastating in countries like Colombia, where organizations such as the FARC and the National Liberation Army (ELN) have perpetrated acts of violence for decades, weakening democratic institutions and causing suffering among civilian populations.

In the specific case of Colombia, the ties between the Cuban regime and the ELN are widely documented and well known. Cuba has provided a safe haven for the leaders of this armed group, allowing them to operate from a distance while continuing their terrorist activities in Colombian territory. A recent example that illustrates this support is the January 17, 2019 attack on the General Santander Police Academy in Bogotá, an attack coordinated by the ELN that claimed the lives of 22 young cadets and left dozens injured. Despite the severity of the attack and the overwhelming evidence linking it to ELN members sheltered in Cuba, the Cuban regime refused to comply with formal extradition requests submitted by the Colombian government, citing its commitment to peace protocols.

This refusal not only hindered Colombia’s efforts to bring the perpetrators to justice but also reflected Cuba’s ongoing lack of commitment to international norms of cooperation in the fight against terrorism. Such behavior has been recurrent in Cuba’s relations with other illegal armed organizations, which have found a safe haven for their leaders on the island. Over the years, this support has enabled groups like the FARC and the ELN to reorganize, secure funding, and continue executing actions that have destabilized the region.

Removing Cuba from the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism would send a profoundly misguided message to the people of Latin America who have suffered the consequences of violent acts committed by these organizations. It would be a decision that disregards the realities of a regime that, even in the current context, continues to protect and shelter individuals and groups operating outside the law. The democratic nations of our region, many of which have been targeted by terrorist acts, would see this move as a weakening of global efforts to combat terrorism and a concession to those who continue to promote violence.

It is essential that the United States maintains a firm stance against any regime that supports or promotes terrorist activities. Terrorism is not only a threat to the national security of the countries directly affected by its actions but also an affront to the democratic values and human rights that we all share. The Cuban regime has historically been an active actor in the maintenance of networks that promote regional destabilization, and it has shown no real willingness to disengage from these activities.

The Liberty and Democracy Group, composed of former heads of state and regional leaders who have defended democracy over the years, appeals to your leadership and strategic vision on this delicate matter. Keeping Cuba on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism is an indispensable measure to preserve peace, security, and freedom in our region.


Liberty and Democracy Group.

Iván Duque
Former President of Colombia
Eduardo Frei
Former President of Chile
Juan Guaidó
Former Interim President of Venezuela
Mariano Rajoy
Former President of Spain
Rafael Calderón
Former President of Costa Rica
Luis Fortuño
Former Governor of Puerto Rico
Jorge Quiroga
Former President of Bolivia
Jamil Mahuad
Former President of Ecuador
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez
Former President of Costa Rica
Mireya Moscoso
Former President of the Republic of Panama
Andrés Pastrana
Former President of Colombia
Jeanine Áñez Chávez
Former Constitutional President of Bolivia
Mario Abdo Benítez
Former President of Paraguay
Guillermo Lasso Mendoza
Former President of Ecuador
Felipe Calderón
Former President of Mexico
Mauricio Macri
Former President of Argentina
Osvaldo Hurtado Larrea
Former President of Ecuador
Vicente Fox
Former President of México


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